HEBCAC Clean and Green

The Clean & Green Program began in March of this year and ran until the end of July. HEBCAC partnered with the Rose Street Community Center, they recruited youth ranging from 13–18-year-old to clean up the community on Saturdays. Rain or shine the youth showed up every Saturday eager to work and to earn money. They were given a stipend every week. Under the supervision of Tim Brown, Youth Coordinator for Rose Street, the kids were directed to sweep up and collect trash from the neighborhood’s streets and alleys. They were happy to be of service to the Milton Montford Community.

Not only did the kids learn how to work in teams, they were also informed about resources and opportunities regarding continuing education and jobs.

The partnership between the Rose Street Community Center and HEBCAC was a great success, and we hope to continue funding the Youth with PNC Foundation support.


Ms. Sarah and the Milton Montford Garden


Remembering Elroy Christopher